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Why Knee Pain Becomes a Nagging Pain

December 20, 2024

If you’re reading this, you might very well be asking yourself: “How do I get rid of my annoying knee pain?” This is a fairly commonplace...

If you’re reading this, you might very well be asking yourself: “How do I get rid of my annoying knee pain?” This is a fairly commonplace question, as for those of us who suffer from knee pain it is usual to scour any source of information in order to find the answers we need just to stop the nagging, debilitating pain. The good news is, you’ve finally come to the right place… you’re not alone and there is help! In this post we look at why knee pain becomes a nagging pain, what the symptoms of knee pain are, and what can be done to alleviate the discomfort. It’s time to take action against knee pain once and for all. So, let’s dive in.

When it comes to knee pain, you might be feeling like a real-life version of the Tin Man – aches and pains ruin your mobility, your family-life and work-life, and even your sleep. And yet, despite its prevalence, few people really know why they suffer from knee pain. And remember, knowing why you are in pain is often the first step in understanding how to get rid of it. So, that’s where we come in.

Knee pain often has various causes, each of which is dependent on yet another set of variant conditions. What is important to know is that knee pain can affect people of all ages and can, therefore, be independent on factors such as age, for example. Take a look at some of the reasons you might be suffering from knee pain:

Sports Injuries: This seems obvious, at first, but even the fittest athletes may experience knee problems. Incorrect warm-up routines, flawed routines themselves, and over-ambitious training sessions may lead to knee injuries.

Hobby-related Injuries: It’s not only sports-people who may suffer from knee pain. Those of you who do even mild forms of exercise – as a hobby, perhaps – are prone to experiencing knee pain. Unexpected, uncommon stress placed on the knee can easily cause injury.

Overuse: This is perhaps something you may have come to realize over time: overuse of the knee, specifically in repeated and instinctively unnatural ways, will lead to knee-pain.

Arthritis: Many individuals suffering from arthritis are likely to suffer from knee pain as, being one of the largest joints in the body, the knee joint is a prime target for this specific affliction.

Weight: Being overweight is a large contributing factor to knee pain. The knee joint absorbs a great amount pressure placed on it by the upper body and torso so as to reduce the risk of spinal damage. Thus, overweight individuals place an ever greater amount of strain on the knee joint, thereby increasing their risk of injury to that area.

Age: Seniors, in particular, are prone to experiencing knee pain. Their joints lack the suppleness and support once enjoyed in earlier years, and therefore they are likely to experience knee pain more readily due to an incapacity to stave it off.

Any of the above factors may have caused your knee-pain and, if left untreated – as you may already have experienced – can turn into a nightmare: nagging, daily, debilitating pain. And yet, how do you know if

your knee pain is something worth looking at? Unfortunately, a common misconception is to ‘wait for the pain to disappear on your own’… our advice is to always have nagging pain looked at. However, if you want a little more detail, here are a few tell-tale knee pain symptoms to look out for:

The symptoms of knee pain can be slightly difficult to read at times. We understand the frustration of trying to figure out exactly what is wrong, and yes… we know it can be really daunting. What we’d like you to know, though, is that knee injuries are due to damage related to the kneecap or ligaments surrounding the knee joint. In actuality, the forms knee injuries can take are variant both in their degree and scale. They can range from torn ligaments through to fractures or breaks. Alternately, one could be dealing with an ACL tear – a common sport-related injury – or even a dislocation. The truth is, it’s very difficult to tell which of the various injuries you might be suffering from. Don’t worry, though, that’s where we come in!

Physical therapy is by far the safest, most effective way of correctly diagnosing and treating your knee injury. Not only does physical therapy treat the root cause of the problem, thereby giving you much needed answers to your ailment, but a qualified, hands-on physical therapist will be able to eradicate your pain non-invasively and effectively. In other words, physical therapy is a permanent solution to your problem… it is not a quick fix. What’s more, a professional physical therapist will provide you with tailor-made exercises and stretches that you can do at home, thereby giving you the tools to maintain a pain-free lifestyle outside of the clinic. The key to overcoming knee pain is to strengthen your muscles and to stabilize your knee, both of which a hands-on physical therapists will do. Working with one of our specialist, dedicated physical therapists will help you eradicate your knee-injury and avoid further pain or strain.

Knee pain doesn’t need to become a nagging, debilitating, daily struggle. We understand the frustration of dealing with the ongoing discomfort you feel, and for that reason we invite you to give us a call today. Now that you know why knee pain can become a continuous trial, it’s time to make a change. Don’t let knee pain get you down for even a day longer. Call one of our specialist physical therapists today; we will help you get back to the life you deserve: feel better and move better, right now!





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